09 Tips to Take Care of Young Children


Anyone with whom a child interacts plays a crucial role in their development. Children not only take impressions from people starting at a very younger age but then can also imprint some of the individuals’ mechanisms and behavior in their minds.

Pediatric Surgeon in Lahore says that motor skills and cognitive skills in children are shaped by their parents, guardians, relatives, and even babysitters. A young child is very impressionable and will observe his or her surroundings in their own unique way.

One might think that young children are hard to take care of and managing them is difficult. It might seem challenging at the beginning but, once you get the hang of it, a routine is developed that a child follows to the ‘T’.

Here are some ways you can take care of young children:

  • A set sleep cycle

Making a routine for the children is very crucial. Set the time to wake up the children each day. Once they are awake, get them prepared for the day ahead. Change their clothes, brush their teeth, and do their hair. Indulge children in these activities by allowing them to choose what they want to wear, whether they want to comb their hair by themselves. Allow them to help you prepare breakfast, or set the table, or make them your assistant for the time being.

  • A healthy breakfast

Breakfast gives the child the strength to go through their activities throughout the day. Breakfast should be the most fulfilling meal of the day. Let your child help you by holding a cup, or letting them design their sandwich. Create a meal that your child will enjoy. You can combine different foods in one whole meal and make your child give you his ideas as well.

  • Activity time

Children have a very minuscule attention span and they tend to get bored very easily. It is better to change their daily activities and indulge them in something new every two to three days. This will not only improve their learning ability but also their motor skills. They will absorb more information and be able to apply what they learned in their activities.

  • Read them informative books

Children’s books are not just stories but they are filled with lessons and morals. You can teach your child in a variety of ways. Teach them different things and break it down for them so that it is easy enough to understand. Tell them what rain is or how snow is made. What type of flowers are there or types of trees in your area. Do fun science and history kits with them and expand their learning horizon.

  • Make lunchtime fun

Let the kids help you out with lunch as well. You can teach them about shapes by cutting their sandwiches in different shapes. Spice up the lunchtime by giving them sides and the main dish and a drink. You can incorporate sauces, carrot sticks, nuggets, mac n cheese in their lunch. Let them enjoy food. Make the meals healthy and nutritional with a side of fun.

  • Set nap time

Children need a nap to refresh them and also because it will let them sleep at their proper time during the night. Let them nap after lunch with calming music in the background or not. Meanwhile, you can finish your chores or work. And you might as well as take a nap yourself with the children.

  • Snack time

When I was younger, I and my siblings used to have a different snack every day. My mother used to indulge us by making our favorite snacks with a side of lemonade or juice. Those were the best times because we got to eat food and watch TV at the same time. Make a snack for your child after nap time. It can be anything from sweet to savory or a mixture of both.

  • Afternoon activity

Let the kids play around among themselves. Take them to a park or for a walk. Introduce them to different sports and activities such as drawing.

  • Nighttime

Feed the kids dinner following the same routine as the earlier meals. Make dinner a theme dinner and sometimes treat the kids by ordering in or going out. Let them taste the different foods that the world has to offer and let them develop a taste for things. Afterward, get them ready for bed and read them a bedtime story or sing to them but always interact with your children after their day is over. Listen to what they have to say and let them fly into their dreams.

It is not hard to adjust your child to a routine, though it might be challenging. Don’t spoil them but do ask their opinions about things and be a part of their daily life.