Domestic Violence Classes Can Benefit The Abusers Find Out!

Considering every nine seconds a woman is beaten in United States, domestic violence is a real threat to this nation. Another fact, according to Huffington Post, between 2001 and 2012, around 11.766 women “were murdered by their current or ex-male partner.” A number that nearly doubles to that of American troops killed in Afghanistan during this period. And for this reason in-person and online Los Angeles and across US has become so prevalent today.

We have come a long way

Our society has sure come a long way. There was the time when domestic violence classes were meant for the victims- women mostly- to help them get through the rough patch either by teaching them to deal with the violent situations effectively or by using legal means. Today, there are programs for both the victims and the batterers. While the victims are continued to trained and counseled like before, we have finally started focusing more rigorously on the abusers- be it treating their sickness (yes, sickness) or ensuring they meet their legit destination of jail time and community service.

Do programs and counseling helps the abusers?

There has been loads of evidences as to how DV classes online or in-person has helped the victims in every aspect- right from being more confidence, self-reliant, independent to resolving every domestic issues thoughtfully and ensuring the well-being of the children in the violent environment- but less has been evident if the programs has helped the abusers or not. And if it did helped, up to what extent. To even presume its effectiveness, one needs to consider few aspects of such scenarios-

Is the abuser mentally challenged?

Is he/she a sadist?

Does he/she have anger issues?

Does he/she regret after his/her violent outburst?

Does he/she consider domestic violence as ‘a normal act’?

Who did he/she blames his/her outburst for?

Does he/she really want DV classes online or in-person?

Is he/she willing to change?

All these factors make it difficult to really gauge if online domestic violence classes Los Angeles, USA helps the abuser or not. But there sure has been few cases recorded when the abusers were positively changed with a long term scope; ‘long term’ being the key words here, considering there has been ample of cases that showed short-term changed, after which the abuser was back to his/her ‘old-me’.

But regardless, in-person and online domestic violence classes are still the best way for our fight with this- a rather international epidemic; followed by DV Classes online.

Other measures against domestic violence

The world agrees- ‘there’s lot to be done here’. Here are few widely advocated measures to act against domestic violence-

Increasing the number of DV Classes online and in-person.

Creating awareness that it’s ‘not normal’ and running rigorous campaigns.

Penalizing the abusers.

Strict punishments for the habitual abusers.

Treatment centers for the abusers.

Encouraging support services and NGOs (Non Government Organizations)

Making policies to strength the economic and social standing of women.

There are many more steps and measures that government and we- as the citizens- can take. And they will work effectively only when enforced combined and not individually.